søndag 16. august 2015

Aaaaaand we're done! - Week of Awesome Day 7 - Final entry

The final package has now been posted in the competition thread!

Find it here:


I have tried to follow the principles in http://archive.wizards.com/Magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/mm/174  - the judges have to, ehm, be the judge of if I have succeeded.

Working alone has been more a blessing than a curse. It is a blessing because I have to work with a lot of stuff I don't usually do, for example sound and graphics. I am becoming quite the expert in Gimp and Audacity, and have found a few good online sources for good material. I have also been forced to cut a lot of the stuff I originally had planned for the game, and in the end I think that is a good thing. I have also discovered some tools to auto generate sound, music, soundscapes that I am going to utilize during Ludum Dare coming this weekend! (In a way the 48 hr Ludum Dare is less of a challenge than this week was - I am much more exhausted now, even though I almost had no sleep during LD32).

This has been an amazing week. I must have worked 100+ hours on this game since monday. I'm exhausted but in a good way.

I have been developing a custom game engine for the last few years (what game developer haven't) - and the proof of the pudding lies in the eating, so to say. A lot of the code I wrote for this game goes rigth back into the game engine (homepage: KodingNights.com) - although the merging will be a pain - especially during the last 2 days there has been a lot of kinda-working, but alas not very well written code produced!

I'm definitely going to merge the tutorial system, the intro story system (consolidated to become the same thing), the behaviors and the infection stuff, and a lot of other neat and nifty stuff I needed to create this game. It's especially fun to watch the mobs infect each other with the plague, and to slash rats in such a way that the bounce in all directions.

It has been very interresting to follow the progress of the other teams during the week - and a special thanks to everyone who have downloaded and tested my game and has provided feedback.

Now it's up to the judges - although I feel we are all winners! Some of the games I have seen easily rival titles that sell for good cash money on app stores and even Steam.